My Family

My Family
Ry-11 Caden -5 Bean-Belly

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Caden loved staying at Vegas.
He liked the attention, the cowboys and the excitement. He wants to have his next birthday party there. That honestly scares me a little... a lot!  He kept asking if you could eat there, sleep there.
He never wanted to leave. a month later he still talks about it.
On the way to Vegas we made 5 stops. This was the third and the dinosaur park. We ate at the little cafe.  One the way home we cut it down to 3 stops. It was a good family trip with MY family. Usually we go with mikeys family to the beach. I'm hoping this can be our annual Wright trip.

The Kids

Jordan (pink shirt) we are so proud of him. Caden says that he will take peaches out there next time. I have a feeling if Caden has his way we will be watching my son out their one day. Tuff Hedeman was roping there, too.

Caden got new boots and Chaps. He wears these as often as I will allow it. We had two to three different people ask to take his picture. He is so stinkin cute!

I love this pic... Mikey got his first real cowboy hat.  Now he looks like Caden.

Rylan loved her new cowboy hat because it has a zebra trim. Mikey indulged her and allowed her to have and early Christmas present. I think its super cute, so is she.

pirate for one long day- poor Rylan

My silly Rylan wakes up at 2:30 in the night to say that her eye hurts. This was just after we put Caden to bed after having an asthma attack and breathing. Like the great parents we are we tell Rylan to go to bed and reassure her that she'll be fine.  the next day was a Friday. I kept my phone on all day because i thought Caden may have breathing problems and wanted his school to be able to call me.  Well Rylan's school calls. She is still saying her eye hurts.  I tell her to go to the bathroom and wash it off, to get a paper towel on it.  She calls back.  So I leave work and pick her up. Her eye was red.  I take her to home and wash all her bedding (thinking its pink eye) we go to urgent care.  It turns out that she scraped her cornea, and needed to wear an eye patch.  She was excited to have that! 

Until reality set in eye patches are very annoying.  She wore it until the next morning and was so irritated.  She did tell her dad that she thought an ice cream would make her feel better.
Like great parents we didn't make it.

missing you

My grandpa Wright is missed everyday.  I would live to be over at their house and take my kids to allow them to play in the front yard while he watches from his chair.  He could watch Caden and Rylan run, chase, fight, ride, and talk from the big window in the living room.  I could watch him watching my kids. I wish I could have that chance.  I wish he could have had the chance to see how his family stayed together and play with each other still.  We are all over 20...even 30 and love to sit in the same room and talk and joke with each other. I want my grandpa to be there to watch and listen.

Cristal and I at the North High school graduation party. I miss this girl everyday to. We talk on facebook and see each other occasionally... but not enough. 
I miss my grandma Peters and her soup that always made us feel better, I miss grandma Joan and her fierce fight for her family and loved ones. She had the biggest heart and wrath if you should dare cross her babies.  She met Rylan. She always gave her a cookie from the jar...sometimes a whole box.  I miss talking to her about secrets and i know she'd be proud of dad and his God centered life.

Everyday Life

This is one of the SWEETEST pictures I have of my kids. This is a unplanned and unpredictable moment of two kids showing that they love each other.  They are reading a book. I think Caden is reading to Yaya. I know its his book.

Caden likes to have accessories, He got into my birthday present from the inlaws.  And... yes he sooooo pretty.

Caden is my kitchen helper. He very diligently placed pieces of cheese onto the ricotta pasta.
He enjoys being big and helping.

Look really close, I see a finger... It's Caden!


Some of the things I am thankful for:
     coffee in the morning
     living next to Cheree
     online shopping
     my camera
     Rylan letting Caden use her Ipod each morning on the way to school
     Mom and Beryl taking and picking up Ry from school
     kids' school teachers...Mrs. Tiner, Carmen, Cassandra
     My dad and his new attention to church
     Tasha for taking care of my dad
Caden says:
Im thankful for my boots, belt, hat.
Rylan says:
Im thankful for my family,and the friends I have,and the two most important people that is always in my heart


Thanksgiving (day after)

The day after Thanksgiving is a family play day for the Wrights in-laws and out-laws.  We do competitions and ride horses, talk, rope, etc. The kids really look forward to it.  As do the adults. Mikey took the day off, and I gave him his horse early in order to have it for the event... BUT it was cancelled.  So those who could go went out. It was a good day...riding, talking, and fighting. GOOD TIMES.
Rylan and Caden
Caden has such a great natural smile, but Rylan is using a forced smile. Its so hard to get a natural smile out of her.

Getting ready to brush Peaches

Mikey and his first own horse April.

I am riding down Peaches for the kids. Each time I get on Peaches I feel the need to apologize. I say, " I'm sorry Peaches I will only be on you for a minute. BUT, I did about get bucked off a few times. So I'm glad I rode first.

Caden and Jordan
Caden thinks Jordan his so interesting. He thinks its funny when Jordan rides his horse with no shirt, or "naked" as Caden puts it.  Caden like to ride with him and loves watching all my cousins riding,roping, talking.  He loves to be at Uncles Toms arena or PaPats house. Caden talks about Peaches, horses, and riding all the time. 

That is a beautiful smile Ms. Rylan! They both like to wear the vests, and hats, and boots. But Caden is a cowboy through and through.

She loves animals and horses. She likes to be with the girls Lacey, Chelsea, and myself.  On a ride out she met us near the end was able to ride Peaches the rest of the way home. Rylan saw her Nana's horse jump at a shadow and was afraid. So Tyler led her the rest of the way, while carrying Caden in the saddle. Caden rode out with Jordan initially, Jordan walked the whole way out.  Jordan didn't walk fast enough. Caden wanted to be up with Chelsea and Lacey. He likes pretty girls.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Aunt Faye's Apples

Loves eating apples at Aunt Fayes

Almost every Tuesday night we go to Faye and Toms.  We watch the cowboys practice roping, riding, and the kids get to practice too.  Caden loves to go out their. Each week he eats an apple from Aunt Faye.  Mikey finally is getting into the tradition that my family has had, which is horses. He is more into it than I am.  Caden is the best little cowboy ever. He can ride his horse Peaches without help now.  He like his Nana's new trailer, and his dads new horse. Rylan has been scared to ride since her fall off the little pony. But she is getting back into the swing of things. SLOWLY... VERY SLOWLY.

Monday, November 7, 2011

This and That

Our summer of 2011 swimming pool. Caden has to wear the ear band-it because of the tubes in his ears.
We have been very lucky and he hasn't lost any tubes yet.  My kjids both love the water.

This is our "redneck" light system. Its custom and great for when you have late at night sprinkler work to do.

Coach Mike and Coach Jacob.
This was a coincidnece that Rylan was placed on a team coached by Jake and Christy. Mikey was long ago friends with them. They were a great christain leader and Mikey learned a lot.  He was only asked to leave one game. Rylans team never wan a game. Ecery person on the team was new, with a few exceptions.

Happy Girl, Rylan liked to play second base.

Caden taking lesson from Peyton at Uncle Toms(aunt toms)

On his own, He loves to be at the arena.


Rylan loves to eat sushi and at Enzo they make the plates very fancy for Rylan. This is the dessert.
We like to sneak there when its just us girls.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Stockton Wedding (September)

Lacey, Ashley, Sara, Sister Sara, and ME
I have many pictures of this group of girls. Im really bummed that the bride wasn't in this picture.

Our Hotel, Our View, Great Vacation

Greg, Kenny, Cheree, Mikey... Her neighborhood husbands

Danie, Ashley, Jeff, Me... Neighborhood wives

Two VERY important people in my life

Mason & Morgans wedding (August)


Handsome Caden

Our first Dance...ever

Caden and his Idol... Jordan
Check out those BOOTS

Kim, Morgan, and ME(Ricci) I only put this because I looked pretty good in this pic.

Nana and Caden

Carying the Rings. Those Girls were too slow.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

911 We Will Never Forget

Ten years ago I was pregnant with Rylan. It was the hardest year of my life. I was strained from stress of pregnancy and uncertainty of my future.  I woke up at 911 with a phone call from my dad telling me to pack up all my stuff to stay with him and his then girlfriend Valerie, in Apple Valley. Because America was being attacked. This was 9-11-01. I remember standing in my room and watching the news and feeling panicked, and scared, grateful and blessed all at the same time.  I felt for the families and victims from the three attacks. I felt blessed to have Rylan with me.  I stayed in town and went to Pappy's for work. We watched the news all day.  Now ten years later I am watching the show in remembrance of that day.  I get to educate Rylan about the tragedy.  I get to teach my kids that kindness and goodwill to others is the lesson of the tragedy.  People exhibited kindness to others despite their race or creed. First responders were compelled to assist and help, to risk and some give their lives.  I will never forget this day...ever.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Zoo Pics August 2011

Gorillas -they have around 8 of them. Really make a compelling argument for the evolution/creation argument.

great way to travel

flamingos- another favorite animal.

mean scary!

