My Family

My Family
Ry-11 Caden -5 Bean-Belly

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Aunt Faye's Apples

Loves eating apples at Aunt Fayes

Almost every Tuesday night we go to Faye and Toms.  We watch the cowboys practice roping, riding, and the kids get to practice too.  Caden loves to go out their. Each week he eats an apple from Aunt Faye.  Mikey finally is getting into the tradition that my family has had, which is horses. He is more into it than I am.  Caden is the best little cowboy ever. He can ride his horse Peaches without help now.  He like his Nana's new trailer, and his dads new horse. Rylan has been scared to ride since her fall off the little pony. But she is getting back into the swing of things. SLOWLY... VERY SLOWLY.

Monday, November 7, 2011

This and That

Our summer of 2011 swimming pool. Caden has to wear the ear band-it because of the tubes in his ears.
We have been very lucky and he hasn't lost any tubes yet.  My kjids both love the water.

This is our "redneck" light system. Its custom and great for when you have late at night sprinkler work to do.

Coach Mike and Coach Jacob.
This was a coincidnece that Rylan was placed on a team coached by Jake and Christy. Mikey was long ago friends with them. They were a great christain leader and Mikey learned a lot.  He was only asked to leave one game. Rylans team never wan a game. Ecery person on the team was new, with a few exceptions.

Happy Girl, Rylan liked to play second base.

Caden taking lesson from Peyton at Uncle Toms(aunt toms)

On his own, He loves to be at the arena.


Rylan loves to eat sushi and at Enzo they make the plates very fancy for Rylan. This is the dessert.
We like to sneak there when its just us girls.