My Family

My Family
Ry-11 Caden -5 Bean-Belly

Monday, January 13, 2014

Last day of christmas

I made a quiche with all of the eggs we've raised, then the kitchen flooded from under the sink. Mikey worked on it most if the morning. We had a slight delay starting our morning as a result. Mikey cussed a little, really not too bad as I know he was frustrated. Nana came over after the coast was clear.  The Larry and Sherry came by in the morning as well.  In the afternoon Momo. papa. Kimmie and Kaleb came over. They always buy too much. way to much. They brought over sandwich stuff which was fine because the kitchen was torn up.  David and Shirley came over as well. I took a nap.
 From us caden got a tv and a vcr, swiss army knife, socks,
books, colone,
video games, movies, clothes, pj's, Cars- Cars, cars case, wrestling guys...Rylan got a karaoke machine, xbox games, boots, clothes, bras, pjs, perfume, swiss army knife, duct tape, jacket, thermals, books...
I'm still trying to find a way to get all the Christmas's together. I hate that the Christmases are so spread out. We didn't buy for adults this year, except for nana. In this we were able to buy for each other. We got Mikey shirts, coat, knifes, thermals,and a knife sharpener.
The kids made their families coasters made from tiles, paper, and modge podge.  The were cute, Apparently I didn't get a picture.  My kids so darn cute
nana made a cape with a 'c'
my new wedding ring. LOVE IT
I also got a necklace from nana and daddy, and perfume.

nana made hats and gloves for the kids


Caden made this for me

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