My Family

My Family
Ry-11 Caden -5 Bean-Belly

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Gardener

So my son loves to watch the gardeners come to the house. Each Monday morning he peeks his head ans listens to them speak to each other. He watches them mow the lawn. He yells out to them, "hey man, hello Hey MAN!" We were talking about the Gardner and he asked me who they were. I replied they are the gardeners. He said I want a gardener (meaning lawnmower).  He clearly had never seen his dad do this because in the rental house we were given a gardener.  At target they were selling the bubble mower for "little tikes" I knew he had to have it. And so we bought him the bubble mower. NOW he wants to be a gardener.

long day of work... check out gardener hat
Just a side note now that we are talking about jobs. Rylan first job she wanted to be was a sign flipper. Like the ones for Verizon or Little Ceasers pizza.  At he age of 5 she wanted to be a vet at the zoo.  That was until Mikey told her she would have to stick her hands in the elephants... you  know what.  In kindergarten she wanted to be a nurse.  Now in third grade she wants to work at sea world with the animal habitats or a teacher. I think she just says teacher in order to please me. 

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